Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Women Rights in Middle East with Queen Noor

I found this video on YouTube and I thought it would be great to show to our class. Before seeing this, I thought all women in the Middle East were treated unfairly and I only assumed none of them had rights. I know that’s stereo typing, but unforchantly that’s all I know. Although it is true that some women still are not tried fairly in some places, but there are others who have the same rights as we do in the United States. Jordan is one of the countries where women have equal rights under the constitution and have had them since the 1950s. Places like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are the total opposite and women are still fighting for those rights every day.
Check out the video! I hope you like it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the video; I enjoyed watching it. It certainly presents a different perspective on the experience of women in the Middle East! There are also some powerful point made about refugees from the Iraq War -- 2 million outside the country and 2 million inside, a key issue we don't hear much about in America. Many of the educated members of the middle class have fled Iraq and this will make rebuilding much more difficult.
