Monday, October 12, 2009

Kalamazoo Islamic Center

Last Thursday my classmates and I went to the Kalamazoo Islamic Center on Westerns campus. It was an amazing learning experience. First we were given a tour of the center by the Imam himself, after that, He told us some stories about his religious background explaining how he got to where he is today. You could tell by just talking with Imam how passionate he was about his religion, for it is his life. While there all misconceptions and stereotypes were broken and I found how imported it is to not always believe everything you hear. At the end for our visit, we were able to sit down with Imam and ask him any questions we had. During this time I learned that all kinds of people pray at a mosque, black, white, Indian, it doesn’t matter because there, they are all the same. In the mosque people become family, and I thought that was really cool.

I cannot thank Imam enough! He did an amazing job with our class, and I learned sooo much. I think this is a trip that everyone should try to make at least once, I promise its well worth your time!


  1. I appreciate your honest comment, and I like the cute picture!

  2. Your picture is so cute. I really liked how when we were leaving we were like the last ones to leave and people were praying. it was neat seeing that! Great job with your post!

  3. I like that you said when people pray at the mosque they become family. The notion that everyone is accepted and that everyone is equal!! That really leaves an impact on me, especially because I was not able to make it to the mosque. Cute picture!!!

  4. This was the most i learned in a single day of class the whole semester
